Who Am I?

If you were looking for a name, sorry dude. This is an anonymous blog. But I will tell you a little bit about who I am and why I ended up here.

I'm about to become a mom (or maybe I am one by the time you're reading this). I've never been a mom before. The prospect is pretty terrifying - and full of anxieties, worries and nausea.

Since discovering I was pregnant, I've also started to learn about all the pressures, worries and judgement moms have to deal with. Not to mention all the physical unpleasantness that accompanies the process. Dude, it's inTENSE. And overwhelming. And mostly feels like a no-win scenario in a world full of people who want you to fail - or who will just see you failing no matter what you do.

The worst part? We don't talk about it. When was the last time you heard a pregnant woman say she wasn't sure she wanted her kid, but it's too late now? Or that she finds the kicking inside her creepy? Or that she's never felt more alone in her entire life? Or that childbirth is basically a horrifying and disgusting prospect?

I'm betting, unless you're a mom yourself or have a very candid mom-friend, you haven't heard any of this. Which is surprising when you consider that most of these feelings are common - at least, more common than you might think.

I'm lucky because I have people I can be (mostly) honest with. But there's still a lot I either don't share, or feel like I've said more than enough about. But I haven't. I've got more, folks. A lot more. And here it is.

*** I give advice based on lessons learned in the field, but I have no qualifications at all. I'm not a nurse a doctor, a midwife, a doula, a teacher or a nanny. I'm not even a babysitter. So while I will share info I was given regarding healthy pregnancy, birth and baby care, it should never replace any advice given to you by a professional, nor should you take it as an authoritative source. Do your research, assess with a critical filter, and use your common sense folks.

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